Monday, September 22, 2008

Jose Jose Jose Jose

The school year is well underway now. Things have been getting crazy. Those in the education profession will understand what I mean when I say I look forward to starting 3 quarter in 3 months so I can start to have a little bit of faith in the "official" schedule. Now if this is not the norm, let me know where you teach, I need to know how you do it, but at my school, nothing is ever set in stone. Schedules, reading groups, curriculum, standards, expectations, budgets, etc. One of the big changes at my school is the enrollment. I went from 17 students last year, to starting this year with 21, and I am now up to 27.

Because I have to look at the funnier side of this to keep from going crazy (and aging 20 years by the end of May) I have a story to tell you. I have 4 students with the same name... two of them have the same last name too. Lets say their names are Jose. Let me tell you what I called them and how it changed as they joined my class.

At first I had 2 Jose students, both with the last name Hernandez (names have been changed, but the general idea is the same):
  • Jose J. Hernandez, and Jose T Hernandez. That is easy right, one is Jose J. and the other is Jose T.
Another Jose joins the class, with the last name Taylor. Well, so much for Jose T. Hernandez being called Jose T. Now they are called:
  • Jose J.
  • Jose Thomas (this is Jose T. Hernandez)
  • Jose T.
Yet another Jose joins the class. You will never guess what his middle name is... yep Jose Thomas Johnson! So now, if I call Jose T. Hernandez, Jose Thomas, then the new Jose will be confused, So do I call the new Jose, Jose J.? Oh wait, I already got one of those... crap.

So what do I call them now? Jose. That's it. If I say Jose and I am looking at you, then you are the one I want. Now what do I do with my identical twins (that dress the same too) named Mary and Mery? I guess that will have to be a story for another post!


Kim and Ken Carlile said...

Are you even kidding me??? That is a riot!! I know names have been changed, but once my friend was in Mexico and some street vendor was pushing her to buy something and finally she was like, "No way, Jose" and he dropped what he was selling and was, "hey, how did you know my name?"
And I totally sympathize with schedules. I made new schedules each week practically....ugggh. I don't miss that. And 27 students!!! You need a raise.

Brenda said...

You may want to go through and check the last names (about half way through you called one of the Jose's by a different last name) Anyway SO funny, I had heard about the students with the same name but I have not heard about the twins!! Oh and changing schedules is just how it goes with kids. I have been a Mom now for almost 8 years and STILL dont have a good schedule down! Good luck!

Charlotte said...

Too funny. When my Ryan was first born, there were like 6 Ryan's his age at church. Luckily, we haven't had any problems since then- moved to a less Ryan populated area :)

Just wait a couple of years till you start getting younger siblings coming through and keep calling them the wrong name!

GordonTucker said...

Sorry I missed this post, Somehow it was deleted from google reader.

What kind of evil parent would name their twins mary and mery? Like they weren't similar enough already? Great story :)