Thursday, October 16, 2008

What happened to teaching?

I remember going through college knowing that I loved to teach. I still love to teach, even knowing that I could be making double or even triple the money in other fields that interest me, I love to teach. I remember thinking about the students I would be able to reach, to help. I would spend hours of my own time, preparing lesson plans while I prayed for my students I was student-teaching. Adjusting lessons to apply to my student's lives. I loved it.

So what happened?

I still love to teach, when I get to do it. I once had a college professor tell me that anyone out on the street can read a lesson plan and in fact in some states they do, they are called substitutes, but it takes a professional to teach. To teach is to know your students, to care about them, then to teach the curriculum to those students. Teach to their needs and do whatever it takes to help that student see their potential.

So what has happened?

Tonight I sat down to read through the lessons I will teach tomorrow. These are lessons taken directly out the curriculum. I am to read the script, "with fidelity" I am told. Creative lessons are not to be taught, even those proven effective, if they vary from that script.

I "teach" reading, writing, and math. Science, art, social studies, even life skills are pushed to the side. Why? Because they are not tested as much in those areas.

I still love to teach, I hope that someday we will go back to a day when that is what happens in our schools.


Charlotte said...

I remember last year one of my kid's teacher informing us they were required to read from a script when teacing reading. I flipped out. Are you kidding me? I guess teaching is no longer an art?

Although a script for me to parent with? Not having to think about what to say, just follow the script. Tempting. Hey don't blame me, blame the script I was given.

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

It is really sad as "testing" becomes what is most important. You just get more and more shoved on your plate that the kids have to know. It is too bad. I'm sure you do a great job with what you are given. It is tough, but you really are making a difference.

GordonTucker said...

That is sad. I guess its up to the parents to make up the difference. Sounds like a stupid idea by the same person that said you shouldn't have recess anymore